If you have a revoked driver’s license due to multiple DUIs, it is beneficial to know what to anticipate at a license reinstatement hearing. The hearing is similar to a trial. Testimony and evidence is submitted to a hearing officer who will determine whether you can drive again. If you have a lawyer, he or she can make opening and closing arguments. This is your lawyer’s chance to make a persuasive, cogent argument on your behalf. Further, your attorney will ask you questions so that you can testify about why you should be allowed to drive. The hearing officer will also question you. Your attorney will submit all of the supporting evidence such as your treatment records, Alcoholics Anonymous sign-in sheets, letters of sobriety and your substance abuse evaluation.

Now let’s concentrate on something critical to your success: Your testimony in front of the hearing officer. Before the hearing, you’ll want to give an awful lot of thought and preparation to your testimony. Your lawyer can assist you with this. When you testify, this is your opportunity to shine. Expect to testify about your past use of alcohol and drugs. You will also be asked about any criminal convictions such as DUIs. You will want to testify about how long you’ve been sober, alcohol treatment, Alcoholics Anonymous involvement and any life changes that have accompanied your sobriety.

At the hearing, your attorney may call witnesses to support your case. For example, you may want to have someone who knows you tell the hearing officer that you’ve been sober. You could also call an AA sponsor. An AA sponsor can be very helpful because they can document your sincerity, sobriety and commitment to maintaining your sobriety into the future. Family members can also testify to changes they’ve observed with you since you’ve been sober. In lieu of presenting testimony, you may submit letters from your witnesses.

It is important to make the most of the hearing. If you lose, you must wait a year before you can have another hearing. Solid preparation and planning before the hearing can lay the groundwork for a successful license restoration hearing.