As I pointed out in my last blog, the National Transportation Safety Board has recommended that states adopt a lower blood-alcohol level. They have proposed lowering the blood-alcohol level to .05%. This represents more than a third reduction. The current level is .08%.

This blog will focus on the arguments against lowering the blood-alcohol level and its impact on Michigan drivers license restoration.  Many believe that lowering the blood-alcohol level will result in innocent drivers being convicted of drunk driving when they are not showing any sign of being intoxicated. Further, they cite statistics backing up their argument that the blood-alcohol level should not be lowered. They point out that the average blood-alcohol level of individuals involved in fatal collisions is .19%. Further, over 90% of drivers in accidents resulting in fatalities have blood-alcohol levels of .10% or higher.

How would drivers license reinstatement Michigan be impacted?  If the blood-alcohol level is lowered, more licenses will be revoked resulting in a need for more drivers to pursue drivers license restoration Michigan.

Driver's license reinstatement hearings are now virtual; click here to learn more -- Learn more