About My Driver’s License Guarantee

Q: What is your guarantee?
A: If your license is not restored, then I will handle one additional driver’s license hearing and not charge you any attorney fees.

Q: Can you guarantee a win?
A: No, a hearing officer decides the outcome of your case based on all of the evidence presented. My win rate is 95%. What’s more, I do provide a free-redo guarantee — your license will be restored or the next hearing is free.

Q: Will I be responsible for any costs on a redo?
A: My attorney fee is free. However, you would have to pay any costs, which usually are about $250 for the evaluation and the drug screen. These costs are paid directly to the evaluator and drug testing facility.

Q: Do you provide a free redo on all cases?
A: Yes, except for cases involving significant interlock (alcohol detector) issues such as alcohol readings.

Q: Do you tell prospective clients about the strengths and weaknesses of their case so they can make intelligent decisions about whether to move forward on their license restoration case?
A: Yes. I also make suggestions to prospective clients about how they can increase their odds of success.

Q: If I need to do a second case, am I likely to get my license back?
A: Yes, so long as you fix the weaknesses in your case. The hearing officer will let you know why you have lost. If you fix the issue, you will typically get your license back on the second attempt. For example, if the hearing officer believes you need to attend AA and you do this, then you will have a high likelihood of getting your license back. 

Read About My Driver’s License Successes

I’ve probably won a case similar to yours. To find out, please read about some of my driver’s license wins.

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