To win a Michigan drivers license restoration case, you must be credible. What does this mean? As any Michigan license lawyer will tell you, it means that you are believable. It means that what you testify to is not questioned.

A drivers license restoration Michigan case will ultimately end up at a hearing. Before the hearing, your Michigan driver license lawyer will have submitted letters supporting your case, a substance use evaluation, negative drug screen and potentially other evidence like Alcoholics Anonymous sign in sheets and treatment records. At the hearing, you will be expected to testify on a multitude of subjects such as conviction history, substance use history, treatment history, Alcoholics Anonymous involvement, and other important subjects.

In order to have a good chance at getting your license back, the hearing officer must believe you.  However, if the hearing officer deciding your case does not believe your testimony, you will most likely not win your case.  You may wish to consult with a Michigan drivers license attorney about your case to help you prepare for your hearing.

In my next blog post I will further discuss the issue of credibility.