According to State Farm Insurance, there were over one million deer-auto collisions in 2013.

In many states, more than half of the deer–vehicle accidents happen from October to December. November is typically the worst month because of the combination of deer hunting season and deer mating.

From a Michigan drivers license restoration lawyer perspective, keep in mind the following: deer tend to be grouped together, are usually seen in the evening, and can become disoriented by headlights and moving vehicles.

As a Michigan license lawyer, it makes sense to slow down especially during the evening, scan the roadway and think about what you will do and how you will react if you see a deer.

Another Michigan drivers license reinstatement lawyer tip is to wear your seatbelt.  According to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, most human deaths could be avoided by wearing a seatbelt.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, car mounted deer whistles and roadside reflectors don’t keep deer away from the roads.

As auto manufacturers develop more night vision systems and pedestrian avoidance systems, collisions with deer may decrease.

For additional Michigan drivers license restoration safety information, please see my additional blog posts.