Some insurance companies and the Insurance Institute For Highway Safety claim that electronic devices that monitor teen driving can reduce unsafe driving. Certain devices monitor teen driving through video recordings of bad driving while other devices send messages to parents concerning their teens unsafe driving.

Any Michigan drivers license restoration lawyer knows that teen unsafe driving often results in restrictions and sometimes suspensions of teen driving privileges. Therefore, these electronic monitoring devices could reduce the need for young drivers to have to go through the Michigan drivers license restoration process.

But many feel that installing electronic monitoring devices sends a message to teen drivers that they are not trusted. Just when the teen is taking on adult responsibilities like driving, they are sent a message that they are not trusted.

As a Michigan drivers license reinstatement lawyer, I would bet that insurance companies would offer insurance premium reductions to parents if they installed these devices. This would be in the insurance companies best interest since it would reduce unsafe driving and potentially reduce claims. Also, parents would then have an incentive to install the devices.

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