Infographic – Size Matters

This infographic displays the crash test statistics and overall performance of minicars. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety recently revealed that minicars are the poorest-performing vehicle group, considering the fact that only one out of 11 minicars received...

Infographic – World Leaders in Natural Gas Fueled Vehicles

Vehicles fueled by natural gas are plentiful in many parts of the world. The United States lags far behind leading countries like Iran, which boasts 3.3 million natural gas vehicles on the roads. However, America has widely available natural gas supplies at low...

Electric Vehicle Promotion?

Some states have set in place policies to promote the installation of charging devices in public places like apartment buildings and big retailers. The idea is to encourage the purchase of all electric vehicles. Is this a good policy? As most are aware, many...

Installing an Ignition Interlock System

As a Michigan drivers license restoration lawyer, I can tell you that many pursuing Michigan drivers license restoration have asked me whether they will have to install an ignition interlock system in their vehicle. Yes – you must install an interlock device, commonly...

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