man holding his driver's license out of a car window

If you have recently gotten a suspended Michigan license reinstated, we’re happy for you. Now, however, you may be wondering what this means for your driver’s record, your professional future, and maybe even your social life.

Following are a few facts and concepts that may answer your questions or even give you a positive outlook for your future.

  1. Generally, a second DUI is still considered a misdemeanor, so you won’t have a felony on your record in this matter. (If your drunken driving resulted in an accident that caused a death or fatality, it may be considered a felony, and the case would be handled differently. If you are convicted of three DUIs within seven years, this would be treated as a felony as well.)
  2. If you were able to get your suspended Michigan license reinstated, it means someone believes in you. You should believe in yourself too. This is your chance to get your life back on track, and avoiding situations that got you into trouble in the first place is a step in the right direction.
  3. You get six points on your driving record after a single DUI conviction, but those points will only remain there for two years. However, if your second DUI occurred within that two-year period, you may have to undergo a driver assessment examination.
  4. If you are unemployed, you’re in a better position to find employment now that you have your license in hand. (By the way, if you have only recently had your license suspended due to a DUI, you may be happy to know that, unless it’s a Commercial Driver’s License, this does not mean you will lose your job. As long as you are sincerely remorseful about your action and remain a reliable worker, many employers will be understanding.)
  5. This is also your opportunity to reconnect with positive people in your life, or meet people who are more aligned with your new goals. The operative word is “positive,” as this may help to ensure that you avoid drinking and driving in the future.
  6. Unfortunately, your auto insurance rates will likely increase after a DUI. In fact, it may increase significantly, as Michigan is a harsh state when it comes to drunken driving penalties. For this reason, you may wish to research all of your options by comparing insurance rates from a variety of companies. You may be able to simplify this process by working with an insurance broker, who would also be able to answer any questions you may have about insurance policies.
    car insurance agent shaking hands with customer
  7. Even if it’s not required, you may wish to attend alcohol treatment classes or regularly talk with a counselor, therapist or pastor. Deep-rooted issues often lead to substance abuse, so talking about these issues confidentially with a professional may help you eliminate the pressures that are weighing you down.

The bottom line is that if you have had a formerly suspended Michigan driver’s license reinstated, you should look at it as a fresh start. Surrounding yourself with a positive network and having a positive outlook for the future may make all the difference.

Driver's license reinstatement hearings are now virtual; click here to learn more -- Learn more